General information

Using our service you can send messages from different trading platforms to Telegram, Discord and other trading platforms. Each destination (channel or chat) has a secret key unique for your account. You can use that secret key to send messages from trading platforms to the destination associated with this key.

There are two options: free public bot with some limitation and your own bot without any limitation.

Feature Public bot Your own bot
Notifications limit 7 alerts per minute/key No limitation
Merging of messages Mandatory Mandatory (but will be optional soon)
Bots names Profit Robots Bot You own
Trading View support Yes Yes
MetaTrader support Yes Coming soon
FXTS2 support Yes Coming soon
Response speed Depends on the server load Depends on your PC
Price Free Lifetime license (150USD)
Max message length 1500 chars 2000 chars
Duplicate message filter On Optional

Read more about your own bot.

How to send message

  1. Get a secret key
  1. Modify your strategy/script code

Detailed instruction available for the next platforms:

To get notifications you need to put a key into the strategy parameter (or directly into the code).

Or you can use webhooks as well. Read more about the webhooks in the TradingView manual.